
Becoming Peace, Not War

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With all the news about war lately, I’ve been asking myself: What is the peace of Christ and how can we live into it in the midst of a world that engages in war? Come along with me as we explore this most difficult but essential question for all Christians. Read more now!


Going Home Again

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Can you really go home again? And what does “home” mean to us as Christians? Come with us as we return to our hometown, reflecting on salvation, Jesus’ resurrection, and what it means to be faithful and obedience to God.


What is Real Love, Anyway?

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We are failing at loving each other. But what does love mean, anyway? Scripture tells us that “God is love”, but is that different from the love the world offers? Here we complied a reference to the word “love” in the whole of the New Testament, so we can let God teach us on this most important subject. Are you ready to learn how to truly love? Start here!