With all the news about war lately, I’ve been asking myself: What is the peace of Christ and how can we live into it in the midst of a world that engages in war? Come along with me as we explore this most difficult but essential question for all Christians. Read more now!
How Does the Love of God Grow in Us?
Do you know how much God loves you? Here, in a sermon by Fr. Andy Cruz Lillegard, he asks us this question, and gives a clear answer. Come and find out just how much God, Our Father, really loves you!
Pollinators Need Our Help! Here’s What We Can Do
It’s not news that our pollinators are struggling to survive. Do you wonder how you can help? Do you wonder how we are called to care for God’s creation as Christians? Here are 7 ways that we can be faithful, prayerfully asking and acting in love and care for God and HIs earth.
Going Home Again
Can you really go home again? And what does “home” mean to us as Christians? Come with us as we return to our hometown, reflecting on salvation, Jesus’ resurrection, and what it means to be faithful and obedience to God.
Composting- Unraveling the Basics So You Can Start Today!
Composting is an easy way to reduce waste, recycle food scraps, enrich the soil, and save the planet. In this easy-to-understand guide, anyone can become an expert composter. Read now and get started today!
The 10 Best Bible Quotes You’ll Read Today
We all read a lot of words during an average day, but how many of them are worthwhile? In other words, how many of them are in any […]
What is Real Love, Anyway?
We are failing at loving each other. But what does love mean, anyway? Scripture tells us that “God is love”, but is that different from the love the world offers? Here we complied a reference to the word “love” in the whole of the New Testament, so we can let God teach us on this most important subject. Are you ready to learn how to truly love? Start here!
What Your Priest (Or Minister) Really Thinks of You
We often wonder, what do priests or ministers think about the rest of us? Read more to find out.
Praying the Psalms in a Month
What’s an easily accessible devotion to deepen your faith? Reading the Psalms. Read more to find out how.
Organizing Made Easy
Ugh. I have too much stuff. Around this time of year as we are spending most of our time inside, we can easily feel like we are drowning […]