Fun Ways to Ring in the New Year for All Ages

We’re at that time of year again- New Year’s Eve!

But what do you do, if putting on a too-tight, too-scratchy sequined dress doesn’t sound appealing? What else is there but overpaying for dinner and drinks with people you don’t want to talk to anyway?

Good news! There are many fun ways to ring in the new year right at home, with your favorite people of all ages.

Children, especially young children don’t always understand New Year’s Eve, and that can be scary for them. All they know is that change is happening, and some kids just don’t like change.

I remember one year our youngest son hid behind a chair and refused to come out and face the new year.

Kids, right?

But here are 10 fun things you can do to let them know that sometimes change is a good thing.

  • 1) Celebrate every hour with bells and kisses.

Who doesn’t love to celebrate?

All kids will love “ringing in the new year” every hour with bells, clapping, and kisses. Make a big thing of it. That way, even if bedtime is 7:00, they still get to party themselves till bedtime, just like a grownup.

  • 2) Or, celebrate each hour some other way

Pull out silly questions from a hat, and go around and let everyone answer them.

Go around the table and have everyone say one thing that they like about the others, or something special that they remember from the past year.

The possibilities are endless. Now is the time to get creative.

You know your family better than I do. What would be fun for them to do every hour?

  • 3) Make New Year’s Eve cookies

Cookies decorated to look like clock facesAnd don’t eat them until midnight… or whatever time you deem “midnight” to be.

Just like decorating Christmas cookies, add numbers on a clock face with different colored icing. And the kids will be excited at midnight to finally eat their creations!

  • 4) Make a New Year’s Eve tradition of game night

Kids love game night, and why not have fun trying to stay up until the new year?

Let them pull out all their favorite games, pop some delicious popcorn, and let the fun begin!

  • 5) Get a little introspective

New Year’s Eve is a great time to take stock of the year that’s passed, and the one to come.

Ask simple questions like, what was your favorite month of last year? Or, what did you learn in the last year? What are you looking forward to in the next year?

This is a great time to remind younger kids of all that happened. Spend a few minutes during the day and make a simple photo collage or a slideshow.

Take time to savor your memories and reminisce.

  • 6) Have a movie marathon

Do you remember that three-part movie you’ve been meaning to watch? Or an old favorite that you can never watch enough?

With all the time until midnight, why not vow to put it on the tube, and see who can stay up the longest?

  • 7) Help your extended family stay awake

Do you have family that struggles to make it to midnight? Especially older family?

Give them a Zoom or Facetime call (those that are willing!) until midnight.

Good conversations can happen when you’re not rushing off the phone- for once! Call those grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins and say “hi!” There is no sleeping until midnight- take no prisoners.

  • 8) Write letters

If calling your family will make people grouchy, write letters while you’re waiting for midnight.

Young children can make a New Year’s package of pictures and words for those loved ones far away.

You will warm the hearts of your family when they know that you were thinking of them on such a special night. Don’t forget to mail it on January 2nd!

  • 9) Take a walk outside

Sometimes, doing an ordinary activity at an unexpected time is thrilling.

Weather and safety permitting, bundle up and take a stroll around your neighborhood. The novelty of going outside when you’re supposed to be sleeping will thrill the little ones and will revive the grownups.

Seeing things by moonlight gives your mind time to marvel at the beauty around you, and contemplate the new year. Sledding anyone?

  • 10) Make a gratitude list

It’s always a great idea to remind yourself of what you’re grateful for, and New Year’s Eve is a great time to do just that.

Big or small, every single one of us has things that are special about our lives. Celebrate these tonight, as you welcome a brand new year.

As Anne of Green Gables said in L.M Montgomery’s famous book, “Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it… yet.” And this is true of the new year- it’s fresh and clean, ready to be lived.

Here’s to the new year, and endless possibilities!


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